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Writer's pictureLisa

3 Things You Just Can't Live Without

Focus to envision your goals.

Function to bring them to fruition.

Freedom from pain.

With every new day and new season, comes a renewed sense of HOPE, for many of us ...

Hope that we will feel a bit better tomorrow, less stress, less anxiety, less pain.

Hope for a more positive outlook on what lies ahead of you, your family.

Hope for peace of mind, in the community, and across the globe.

Hope brings a positive energy that feeds the soul,

like Autumn brings a vibrant change of color that fuels our senses.


The crisper climate draws us outward to explore new spaces in nature. An autumn breeze boosts our energy and ignites the desire for new sights, lights and, sounds of the approaching holiday season.

But for some, a change (of season) brings a downward shift in mood and energy and, when the inner light is dimmed, hope is diminished.

It is important to grasp the connection between the way we feel and how it’s directly related to how we function. Understanding this direct correlation can serve as an important catalyst in making necessary and meaningful changes in your life.

Hope is empowering when paired with action.


Once the barriers and blockages that are keeping you from feeling your best and living your best life, are lifted and purged, a new healing energy / light source, will shine through you, and it will project onto all those around you.

These current barriers and blockages to your healing were likely formed from physical, chemical or emotional events or trauma in your life. It could have been from birth, childhood or adulthood and are stored in the body creating real pain, disease and dysfunction. Such events can include (but are not limited to):

  • a car accident

  • a fall

  • scar tissue from surgery

  • poor water intake

  • an abusive relationship

  • poor postural patterns

  • prolonged periods of immobility

  • repetitive motion

  • unprocessed stress

  • environmental toxins

  • suppressed emotions / grief

  • poor diet

  • lack of sleep

Blockages that took years to form cannot be removed overnight, nor in a single treatment session but, they can be removed with a combination of consistent therapeutic approaches aimed to calm and reset the nervous system and, release restricted areas of soft tissue that are responsible for limitations in range of motion, mobility and the expansion of your breath.

Patience and perseverance matter, especially when it comes to your health and healing.


To be pain-free both emotionally and physically means living life more presently and fully; being able to focus, function and be free are the ultimate gifts we can receive. Without them, we suffer and can feel hopeless.

When a new light enters, healing happens.


Imagine what it would feel like if you had the support to weave through all three with ease, grace and confidence? Because, when you do, you will experience life from a whole new perspective. This, I can promise you, but first, you must want to:

Commit to change.

Invest the time into your emotional and physical health and well-being.

Receive the gift of my support to empower and strengthen you in body and belief, that what you want is absolutely within your reach.

Let’s begin with a free 60-minute Discovery Call with me so we can deep dive into what’s been holding you back and map out a plan to propel you forward.

Next, if we learn we are a good fit for one another, together we can create a customized wellness package to address your specific needs and jump-start you into a treatment routine that will give you hope and healing.

Permanent change cannot happen without consistency.


This is what I have learned in my personal life and what I witnessed with my client’s response to my work; those who committed to a plan and were determined to push the barriers out of their way, and completely out of their body, were those who experienced profound healing.

Transformation comes from going all-in to tackle head-on what needs to change.


My 3-month Tackle Plan was created from this observation and is designed to transform you, your mindset and your body. It includes the following healing components:

Weekly 90-minute Myofascial Release Sessions | Our fascia (connective tissue) holds everything together in our body but, most importantly, it holds memory. It is an intricate web that, when dehydrated, is responsible for chronic pain syndromes, sleep disorders, breathing challenges, anxiety, postural dysfunction, and so much more. As your myofascial therapist, I can help you unwind this tangled wonderous web and give you, your heart, and your breath, more room to expand and, ultimately space to heal.

Weekly Spinal Flow Healing Sessions | Unprocessed physical, emotional and chemical stress are stored in our body as actual spinal blockages and are responsible for the stubborn health issues you have been battling for years with no relief. Treating symptoms will never heal you but getting to the root of these issues will - and the root lies in your spine. Our bodies have the innate wisdom to heal themselves, and as your spinal flow technique practitioner, I will facilitate this process for you by helping you find and release the blockages so you can achieve clarity, and more ease in the entire body by rewiring your nervous system.

Weekly 60-minute Private 1:1 Deep Targeted Stretching Class | Lengthening tight, constricted muscles fibers yields freedom in movement and more ease in the simple everyday activities in life. It’s never too late to be more flexible, it really just takes time and a conscious effort to hold the stretch, not your breath. Deep targeted stretching prevents the risk of injury by improving posture and core stability. By carving out dedicated time on the mat with your flexibility coach, we can sink into the poses together until you feel the heal.

2- 1hr Coaching Sessions Per Month | Co-partnering with me as your nurse coach will help you keep your eye on your goal. It will enable you to navigate any medical or mental or life/relationship challenge that may arise, because I will ensure that you have the necessary tools and a safe space to achieve your goal. My mission is to encourage you to create your vision and then live it, while never losing sight of your progress. So long as you have the will, know that I intend to remain in your corner helping you move out of your own way.

Like any health prescription plan, it has to be aligned with your needs and that's why the treatment dose (i.e. healing modalities and frequency of treatment) will be adjusted as your goals have been achieved. I will make my professional recommendation after my initial assessment, and you will weigh its value alongside your current health picture, where you hope to be and by when.

What is your current health picture?

What changes are you ready and willing to make today to shift your mood and energy upward?


Need support to help initiate your first step?

Then let's huddle so we can implement a Tackle Plan asap enabling you to:

  1. fully focus,

  2. finally function

  3. feel totally free of the heavy wrath that’s been holding you down and back.

It's so much better together, and just remember,

“If you do not change direction, you might end up where you are heading.”

~ Lao Tzu


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